HLS Healthcare continue to support and advocate best practice for Changing Places across Australia. As a smart technology healthcare provider, HLS is proud to have installed Changing Places in facilities such as the MCG, Hamer Hall, Melbourne Zoo .. and many more. In our role as the largest official installer of Changing Places in Australia, we advocate and educate operators, consultants, architects and builders about the most effective solutions available to enable them to meet Australian standards. The recent Build Australia “Business Horizons” article, authored by Bruce Bromley (Equal Access Group), details the importance of both the Changing Places initiative and the important standards around Changing Places designs – in particular, the recently released new standards update.
The Changing Places movement began in 2012 in Australia, seeking to highlight the needs for toileting & change facilities for equal accessibility for all in public spaces such as aquatic centres, sports facilities, theatres, zoos, community centres and public transport hubs. Never before in Australia has there been such a push for accessible change facilities. Since then, organisations such as Equal Access Group have both helped pioneer the initiative, and continued to advocate and ensure accessibility needs drive improvements to Australian Standards such as AS1428.1 – standards critical in the delivery and education governing effective ways to meet the needs of everyone.
Official suppliers such as HLS Healthcare take great pride in providing better ways for all of us in our community to enjoy life. This is the powerful and intrinsic reason why the HLS slogan and mission statement is all about creating ‘better ways for living’. The reason Changing Places exists in our community is also to improve the way of life for all of us, including those living with disabilities and everyday accessibility challenges.
We invite architects, community members, local council and developers alike to visit our website, and our Changing Places page, or you can download the latest HLS Healthcare 2020 Changing Places Specification Guide.
For information about Changing Places you can contact: sales@hlshealthcare.com.au
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