HLS Healthcare

Vivid Vision

Quality Standards for Aged Care

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (Commission) expects organisations providing aged care services in Australia to comply with the Quality Standards.

From July 2019, the new Aged Care Quality Standards mean providers need to adapt the way they respond to self assessments, audits and plans for continuous improvement.

The new Standards for Aged Care bring consistency across all aged care providers, but unfortunately the reporting requirements are a little disjointed.

HLS Healthcare, in partnership with the independent Quality Standards assessment group Umbrella Solutions, now provide a comprehensive assessment of the product and services offered to aged are providers. These assessments highlight how HLS exclusive products address the critical needs of providers with innovative, leading-edge technology-based and safe handling solutions, creating better ways for living for all and assisting providers with legislative compliance.

HLS Healthcare

Quality Standards for Aged Care

bg 41 Quality Standards

HLS Healthcare

Quality Standards Assessment
Elsi Smart Floor

Umbrella Solutions has assessed Elsi Smart Floor against the Aged Care Quality Standards. The Aligned assessments assist aged care providers to understand how products are aligned to the Quality Standards which supports their audit and accreditation responses.

Assessment Date: 24/07/2020

Download Quality Standards Assessment
Elsi smart m Quality Standards
elsi table sidebar 1 Quality Standards

Elsi Smart Floor

RequirementResponse Elsi Smart FloorResponse NurseCare
3aEach consumer is treated with dignity and respect, with their identity, culture and diversity
Elsi Smart Floor provides non invasive monitoring to protect dignity of consumers. The monitoring improves independence and reduces risks.NurseCare supports the consumers by providing carers and staff with up to date
information and preferences as well as care history.
3dEach consumer is supported to take risks to enable them to live the best life they can.Elsi Smart Floor enables consumers to move freely around the room, without intrusive
sensors, cabling or mats. This helps to empower them to move more, knowing that help is
available if they fall.
3fInformation provided to each consumer is current, accurate and timely, and communicated
in a way that is clear, easy to understand and enables them to exercise choice.
Elsi Smart Floor does not use videos or pictures to identify movements and incident,
protecting the privacy of consumers.
Consumers' personal information is secured and only relevant information is made available to appropriate staff.
elsi table sidebar 2 Quality Standards

Elsi Smart Floor

RequirementResponse Elsi Smart FloorResponse NurseCare
3aAssessment and planning, including consideration of risks to the consumer’s health and well being, informs the delivery of safe and effective care and services.Elsi Smart Floor provides data that can help identify mobility trends which can be used to enhance care plans and services.
3dThe outcomes of assessment and planning are effectively communicated to the consumer and documented in a care and services plan that is readily available to the consumer, and where care and services are provided.Consumer care plans can be made available in the NurseCare system and are made available to carers and staff to ensure a consistent and personalised level of care.
elsi table sidebar 3 Quality Standards

Elsi Smart Floor

RequirementResponse Elsi Smart FloorResponse NurseCare
3aEach consumer gets safe and effective personal care, clinical care, or both personal care and clinical care, that:
i) is best practice; and
ii) is tailored to their needs; and
iii) optimises their health and well being
Elsi Smart Floor offers best practice for in room, non invasive monitoring and alerting.NurseCare offers best practice for consumer personal and clinical care with its in room management solutions and connectivity to key clinical care systems.
3bEffective management of high impact or high prevalence risks associated with the care of each consumer..Elsi Smart Floor provides non invasive monitoring to protect dignity of consumers. The monitoring improves independence and reduces risks
through instant alerting.
Current consumer health records are made available through the NurseCare system, provider carers and staff with up to date information and changes
3cThe needs, goals and preferences of consumers nearing the end of life are recognised and addressed, their comfort maximised and their dignity preserved.Consumer care plans can be made available in the NurseCare system and are made available to carers and staff to ensure a consistent and personalised level of care.
3dDeterioration or change of a consumer’s mental health, cognitive or physical function, capacity or condition is recognised and responded to in a timely mannerElsi Smart Floor can monitoring and trends can help to identify
physical capacity issues of consumers and provide information to proactively manage care solutions.
Current consumer health records are made available through the NurseCare system, provider carers and staff with up to date information and changes.
3eInformation about the consumer’s condition, needs and preferences is documented and communicated within the organisation, and with others where responsibility for care is shared.Consumer care plans can be made available in the NurseCare system and are
made available to carers and staff to ensure a consistent and personalised level of care.
elsi table sidebar 4 Quality Standards

Elsi Smart Floor

RequirementResponse Elsi Smart FloorResponse NurseCare
3aEach consumer gets safe and effective services and supports for daily living that meet the consumer’s needs, goals and preferences and optimise their independence, health, well being and quality of life.Elsi Smart Floor provides non invasive monitoring to protect dignity of consumers. The monitoring improves independence and reduces risks through instant alerting.Consumer care plans can be made available in the
NurseCare system and are made available to carers and staff to ensure a consistent and personalised level of care.
3dInformation about the consumer’s condition, needs and preferences is communicated within the organisation, and with others where responsibility for care is shared.Elsi Smart Floor information can be integrated to NurseCare to ensure critical data and alerts are available to appropriate staff.Consumer care plans can be made available in the NurseCare system and are made available to carers and staff to ensure a consistent and personalised level of care.
3gWhere equipment is provided, it is safe, suitable, clean and well maintained.Elsi Smart Floor reduces the need for additional monitoring solutions, such as pressure mats which introduce tripping hazards.NurseCare uses unobtrusive devices that are wall mounted or wireless to reduce hazards.
elsi table sidebar 5 Quality Standards

Elsi Smart Floor

RequirementResponse Elsi Smart FloorResponse NurseCare
3bThe service environment:
(i) is safe, clean, well maintained and comfortable; and
(ii) enables consumers to move freely, both indoors and outdoors.
Elsi Smart Floor replaces traditional flooring solutions and reduces the need for pressure mats, cabling or visible sensors which enhances mobility of consumersNurseCare uses unobtrusive devices that are wall mounted or wireless to reduce hazards.
3cFurniture, fittings and equipment are safe, clean, well maintained and suitable for the consumer.Elsi Smart Floor reduces the need for additional monitoring solutions, such as pressure mats which introduce tripping hazards.NurseCare uses unobtrusive devices that are wall mounted or wireless to reduce hazards.
elsi table sidebar 6 Quality Standards

Elsi Smart Floor

RequirementResponse Elsi Smart FloorResponse NurseCare
3aConsumers, their family, friends, carers and others are encouraged and supported to provide feedback and make complaints.



"NurseCare allows consumers, family and friends to provide feedback, complaints and commendations through its INFO Point interface. The results are recorder centrally to be reviewed and addressed by the provider. Having a mechanism that is not reliant on in person communication helps to illicit open and candid feedback for the provider."
elsi table sidebar 7 Quality Standards

Elsi Smart Floor

RequirementResponse Elsi Smart FloorResponse NurseCare
3aThe workforce is planned to enable, and the number and mix of members of the workforce deployed enables, the delivery and management of safe and quality care and service.Elsi Smart Floor monitoring data can be used to enhance the care
of consumers and reduce manual logging and recording of data by
NurseCare monitor staff activities which can be used to manage performance and workloads.
3dThe workforce is recruited, trained, equipped and supported to deliver the outcomes
required by these standards.
Elsi Smart Floor reduces effort to maintenance documentation and
workload for staff.
NurseCare reduces effort to maintenance documentation and workload for staff.
elsi table sidebar 8 Quality Standards

Elsi Smart Floor

RequirementResponse Elsi Smart FloorResponse NurseCare
3cEffective organisation wide governance systems relating to the following:
(i) information management
(ii) continuous improvement
(iii) financial governance
(iv) workforce governance, including the assignment of clear responsibilities and
(v) regulatory compliance
(vi) feedback and complaints.
NurseCare offers providers valuable data and information
for regulatory compliance reporting and records.

This includes: Response timeframes
Call frequency and volumes
Call types
Staffing levels
Medicine and clinical service tracking and history
3dEffective risk management systems and practices, including but not limited to the following:
(i) managing high impact or high prevalence risks associated with the care of consumers
(ii) identifying and responding to abuse and neglect of consumers
(iii) supporting consumers to live the best life they can.
Elsi Smart Floor offers best practice for in room, non invasive
monitoring and alerting. This system helps to reduce operational and consumer risks in the care environment.
NurseCare offers best practice for consumer personal and clinical care with its in room management solutions and connectivity to key clinical care systems. This system helps to reduce operational and consumer risks in the care environment.
bg 41 Quality Standards

HLS Healthcare

Quality Standards Assessment
Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System

Umbrella Solutions has assessed the Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System against the Aged Care Quality Standards. The Aligned assessments assist aged care providers to understand how products arealigned to the Quality Standards which supports their audit and accreditation responses.

Assessment Date: 18/08/2020

Download Quality Standards Assessment
Hois table Quality Standards
elsi table sidebar 1 Quality Standards

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System
3aEach consumer is treated with dignity and respect, with their identity, culture and diversity valued.Guldmann ceiling hoist systems increase the ease of transition for consumers within their rooms.

Supports their dignity with increased mobility for daily activities.
elsi table sidebar 3 Quality Standards

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System
3aEach consumer gets safe and effective personal care, clinical care, or both personal care
and clinical care, that:
(i) is best practice; and
ii) is tailored to their needs; and
iii) optimises their health and well being
Ceiling hoist systems provide best practice for consumers movement and transitions within residential facilities and home care services. Reducing transfer effort, time and risk when compared to manual handling or floor lifts.

Guldmann offers a wide variety of slings and accessories including basic lifting in and out of bed, limb lifting, gait training, bed repositioning and side turning. This allows carers to select specific equipment to the consumer to meet their individual requirements and capabilities.
3bEffective management of high impact or high prevalence risks associated with the care of
each consumer.
Guldmann ceiling hoist systems provide consumers with increased movement with lower transition risks. The system provides adjustable speeds, customised to the consumer's individual weight and physical attributes.
3dDeterioration or change of a consumer’s mental health, cognitive or physical function,
capacity or condition is recognised and responded to in a timely manner
Trainer module can be added to the system to support rehabilitation within a consumers room. This includes gait training, dynamic weight relief up to 100kg support consumers increase their movement through customisable rehabilitation activities.
3gMinimisation of infection related risks through implementing:
(i) standard and transmission based precautions to prevent and control infection; and
(ii) practices to promote appropriate antibiotic prescribing and use to support optimal care and reduce the risk of increasing resistance to antibiotics.
Common or shared equipment, such as mobile lifts increase the risk of contamination and transmission
of infections. Ceiling hoist systems are contained to individual consumers, reducing transmission
between consumers and staff.

With the optional inbuilt weight scales, the use of shared weight chairs and scales is reduced.
elsi table sidebar 4 Quality Standards

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System
3cServices and supports for daily living assist each consumer to:
(i) participate in their community within and outside the organisation’s service environment; and
(ii) have social and personal relationships; and
(iii) do the things of interest to them;
Reduced transfer time and effort from bed and rooms expands opportunities for consumer involvement in activities.
3gWhere equipment is provided, it is safe, suitable, clean and well maintained.Guldmann hoists meet Australian Standard: AS/NZS ISO 10535:2024
Hoists for the transfer of disabled persons.

Annual maintenance should performed by a qualified technician. Guldmann equipment can be cleaned with a damp cloth using warm water and a mild soap solution.

For disinfection, disinfectant wipes with up to a 85% solution of isopropyl
or a damp cloth using warm water and a disinfectant cleaner.

Ceiling hoists provide obstruction free equipment which reduces tripping
hazards while increasing usable floor space in consumers' rooms.
elsi table sidebar 5 Quality Standards

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System
3bThe service environment:
(i) is safe, clean, well maintained and comfortable; and
(ii) enables consumers to move freely, both indoors and outdoors.
Guldmann hoists meet Australian Standard: AS/NZS ISO 10535:2024 Hoists for the transfer of disabled persons.

Annual maintenance should performed by a qualified technician. Guldmann equipment can be cleaned with a damp cloth using warm water and a mild soap

For disinfection, disinfectant wipes with up to a 85% solution of isopropyl or a damp cloth using warm water and a disinfectant cleaner. Ceiling

hoists provide obstruction free equipment which reduces tripping hazards while increasing usable floor space in consumers' rooms.
3cFurniture, fittings and equipment are safe, clean, well maintained and suitable for the
Guldmann hoists meet Australian Standard: AS/NZS ISO 10535:2024 Hoists for the transfer of disabled persons.

Annual maintenance should performed by a qualified technician. Guldmann equipment can be cleaned with a damp cloth using warm water and a mild soap solution.

For disinfection, disinfectant wipes with up to a 85% solution of isopropyl or a damp cloth using warm water and a disinfectant cleaner.

Guldmann offers a wide variety of slings and accessories including basic lifting in and out of bed, limb lifting, gait training, bed repositioning and side turning. This allows carers to select specific equipment for the consumer to meet their individual requirements and capabilities.
elsi table sidebar 7 Quality Standards

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System
3aThe workforce is planned to enable, and the number and mix of members of the workforce deployed enables, the delivery and management of safe and quality care and service.Guldmann ceiling hoist systems
reduces the amount of manual
handling and lifting required by carers and staff.

This in turn reduces musculoskeletal and physical stress of carers.

Hoists allow carers that would normally avoid manual handling activities due to physical or strength requirements to be involved in consumer transitions and movements.
3cThe workforce is competent and members of the workforce have the qualifications and knowledge to effectively perform their roles.HLS Healthcare provide staff training for Guldmann systems, along with attendance confirmation and certificates.

Examples of certificates, training schedules and attendance should be included in the ACQS self assessment and audit responses.
3dThe workforce is recruited, trained, equipped and supported to deliver the outcomes required by these standards.Guldmann ceiling hoist systems provide carers with additional movement and transitions capabilities
along with offering safe equipment.

HLS Healthcare provide staff training for Guldmann systems, along with attendance confirmation and

Examples of certificates, training schedules and attendance should be included in the ACQS self assessment and audit responses.
elsi table sidebar 8 Quality Standards

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System

Guldmann Ceiling Hoist System
3dEffective risk management systems and practices, including but not limited to the following:
(i) managing high impact or high prevalence risks associated with the care of consumers
(ii) identifying and responding to abuse and neglect of consumers
(iii) supporting consumers to live the best life they can.
Guldmann ceiling hoist systems reduces the amount of manual handling and lifting required by carers and staff. This in turn reduces musculoskeletal and physical stress of carers.

Hoists allow carers that would normally avoid manual handling activities due to physical or strength requirements be involved consumer transitions and movements.

Tripping risks are reduced with ceiling mounted equipment and increases usable space in consumer rooms.

Consumers have increased opportunities to move and transition, which opens up access to more activities and services.

bg 41 Quality Standards

HLS Healthcare

Quality Standards Assessment
Vendlet Resident Positioning System

Umbrella Solutions has assessed VENDLET against the Aged Care Quality Standards. The Aligned assessments assist aged care providers to understand how products are aligned to the Quality Standards which supports their audit and accreditation responses.

Assessment Date: 14/09/2020

Download Quality Standards Assessment
Vendlet table Quality Standards
elsi table sidebar 1 Quality Standards


RequirementResponse VENDLET
3aEach consumer is treated with dignity and respect, with their identity, culture and diversity valued.The use of VENDLET supports the dignity and respect of consumers, provides low impact, low risk and low touch movements in bed.

VENDLET also enables a single carer to safely complete movements, reducing staff effort and total movement time.
elsi table sidebar 3 Quality Standards


RequirementResponse VENDLET
3aEach consumer gets safe and effective personal care, clinical care, or both personal
care and clinical care, that:
(i) ) is best practice; and
ii) is tailored to their needs; and
iii) optimises their health and well being
VENDLET provides consistent, safe and low impact movements for consumer's. The system allows for tailored movements based on the consumers needs.

VENDLET reduces overall the time to turn, as the system only requires one carer to perform, avoiding the latency of finding two available carers.
3bEffective management of high impact or high prevalence risks associated with the care of each consumer.VENDLET reduces risk to consumers by providing low impact movements at a consistent speed. The process is controlled by a single carer, one handed, allowing them to focus on the wellbeing
of the consumer during the movement.

VENDLET Bari support bariatric consumers which often present as higher risk, allowing for consistent, dignified, low impact movements.
3cThe needs, goals and preferences of consumers nearing the end of life are recognised and addressed, their comfort maximised and their dignity preserved.VENDLET assists in maximising the comfort of consumers during movements. Often this activity can be obtrusive and disruptive.

VENDLET supports the dignity and respect of consumers, provides low impact, low risk and low touch movements in bed.
3dDeterioration or change of a consumer’s mental health, cognitive or physical function, capacity or condition is recognised and responded to in a timely mannerUsing VENDLET for mobility challenged consumers reduces the physical impact that restricted bed rest can cause. Regular turning helps prevent risk of pressure wounds and bed sores through increased hygiene activities.

VENDLET reduces overall the time to turn, as the system only requires one carer to perform, avoiding the latency of finding two available carers.
3gMinimisation of infection related risks through implementing:
(i) standard and transmission based precautions to prevent and control infection; and
(ii) practices to promote appropriate antibiotic prescribing and use to support optimal care and reduce the risk of increasing resistance to antibiotics.
VENDLET supports low touch movements with only a single carer, reducing the risk of infection transmission. With regular turning, the likelihood of pressure wounds and associated infections are
greatly reduced.
elsi table sidebar 4 Quality Standards


RequirementResponse VENDLET
3aEach consumer gets safe and effective services and supports for daily living that meet the consumer’s needs, goals and preferences and optimise their independence, health, well being and quality of life.The use of VENDLET supports the dignity and respect of consumers, providing low impact, low risk and low touch movements in bed.
3gWhere equipment is provided, it is safe, suitable, clean and well maintained.The VENDLET design makes it easy to clean and maintain hygiene standards.

VENDLET equipment can be cleaned with a damp cloth using warm water and a mild soap solution.

For disinfection, disinfectant wipes with up to an 85% solution of isopropyl or a damp cloth using warm water and a disinfectant cleaner.

The VENDLET Slide and turning sheets can be removed and cleaned, independently of each other.

Slide Sheet washing instructions: 60 degrees, do not tumble dry, do not iron.

Turning sheet washing instructions: max 95 degrees, tumble dry at normal temperatures, iron at approximately 150 degrees.

HLS recommends an annual maintenance check by a qualified technician.
elsi table sidebar 5 Quality Standards


RequirementResponse VENDLET
3bThe service environment:
(i) is safe, clean, well maintained and comfortable; and
(ii) enables consumers to move freely, both indoors and outdoors.
The VENDLET design makes it easy to clean and maintain hygiene standards.

VENDLET equipment can be cleaned with a damp cloth using warm water and a mild soap solution. For disinfection, disinfectant wipes with up to an 85% solution of isopropyl or a damp cloth using warm water and a disinfectant cleaner.

The VENDLET Slide and turning sheets can be removed and cleaned, independently of each other.

Slide Sheet washing instructions: 60 degrees, do not tumble dry, do not iron.

Turning sheet washing instructions: max 95 degrees, tumble dry at normal temperatures, iron at approximately 150 degrees.
3cFurniture, fittings and equipment are safe, clean, well maintained and suitable for
the consumer.
The VENDLET design makes it easy to clean and maintain hygiene standards.

VENDLET equipment can be cleaned with a damp cloth using warm water and a mild soap solution.

For disinfection, disinfectant wipes with up to an 85% solution of isopropyl or a damp cloth using warm water and a disinfectant cleaner.

The VENDLET Slide and turning sheets can be removed and cleaned, independently of each other. Slide Sheet washing instructions: 60 degrees, do not tumble dry, do not iron.

Turning sheet washing instructions: max 95 degrees, tumble dry at normal temperatures, iron at approximately 150 degrees.

HLS recommends an annual maintenance check by a qualified technician.
elsi table sidebar 7 Quality Standards


RequirementResponse VENDLET
3aThe workforce is planned to enable, and the number and mix of members of the workforce deployed enables, the delivery and management of safe and quality care and service.VENDLET reduces staff requirements for consumer's in bed movements and allows carers of lower strength to manage movements on their own.
3bWorkforce interactions with consumers are kind, caring and respectful of each consumer’s identity, culture and diversity.The use of VENDLET supports the dignity and respect of consumers, provides low impact, low risk and low touch movements in bed.

The process is controlled by a single carer, one handed, allowing them to focus on the wellbeing of the consumer during the movement.
3cThe workforce is competent and members of the workforce have the qualifications and knowledge to effectively perform their roles.VENDLET allows for more carers to perform consumer movements by reducing the physical requirement for lifting and turning.
3dThe workforce is recruited, trained, equipped and supported to deliver the outcomes required by these standards.HLS provides VENDLET training courses, material and attendance certificates to aged care staff. This includes online content where in person training is not available.
elsi table sidebar 8 Quality Standards


RequirementResponse VENDLET
3bThe organisation’s governing body promotes a culture of safe, inclusive and quality
care and services and is accountable for their delivery.
Investing in VENDLET solutions delivers enhanced quality services and reduced risks for consumers and carers.
3dEffective risk management systems and practices, including but not limited to the
(i) managing high impact or high prevalence risks associated with the care of consumers
(ii) identifying and responding to abuse and neglect of consumers
(iii) supporting consumers to live the best life they can.
VENDLET reduces risk to consumers by providing low impact movements at a consistent speed. The process is controlled by a single carer, one handed, allowing them to focus on the wellbeing of the consumer during the movement.

VENDLET Bari supports bariatric consumers which often present as higher risk, allowing for consistent, dignified, low impact movements.

Learn More About Available Options

For further information or to discuss available options, please feel free to get in touch with the HLS Healthcare team by calling 1300 931 893 or filling out the contact form below. Our product specialists will be more than happy to assist you.

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Guidance and resources for providers to support the Aged Care Quality Standards

The following guidance material is intended to assist aged care services to implement and maintain compliance with the Quality Standards. It describes the intent of the Standards and the Commission’s expectations of performance and provides supporting information and examples of evidence of compliance. It also provides an indication of matters that quality assessors consider in assessing compliance.

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  1300 931 893

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