Across the world, healthcare providers are facing similar challenges. Today’s care providers need to determine how they can offer state-of-the-art healthcare to a growing population of older individuals. At the same time, it’s important to make sure that the healthcare environment is attractive to young academics. Fortunately, companies like VENDLET are investing in strategies for success in both of these areas.
In a recent whitepaper released by Healthcare Denmark, the researchers outline the importance of using assistive living technology to support residents in Hospitals, Danish Care Homes, and even in-home care environments. VENDLET has contributed to the white paper by showcasing how important the VENDLET system can be to improving quality of life for seniors, and those with mobility issues. At the same time, the arrival of new tech in the industry could make the healthcare space more attractive to younger generations too.
The whitepaper released by VENDLET and the Danish Technological Institute, a tech business in Denmark, has also shown that the use of transfer systems can help reduce work injuries among members of staff, as well as greater comfort for clients. At the same time, healthcare environments could benefit from increased efficiency and financial savings too.
The aim of the project was to understand and evaluate the impact of mechanical transfer systems to understand more completely when and how they could be used most efficiently. Since it’s the municipalities that purchase and offer assisted living in Denmark, the project was done in collaboration with four municipalities between January 2016 and March 2018.
The huge amounts of data required for the study was collected through questionnaires, interviews, and information about times of transfers. This was done throughout the study to allow for the comparison of the transfers with and without the systems.
The results of the project were positive, showing that the VENDLET systems could significantly contribute to reduced physical strain on employees, and a reduced risk of work injuries. This also meant that sick days were les common. Additionally, the project highlighted that the systems had a positive impact on the general well-being of the employees and led to much lower levels of fatigue. This led to a higher job satisfaction rating and better mood for workers. The positive effects on health and safety in the workplace were consistent throughout the environment.
Based on these findings, the project was able to include that mechanical turning systems could not only improve the lives for current workers, but also attract new employees too. However, the project noted that the earlier the systems could be implemented, the better the chances of reaping the benefits were. This is because many of the benefits associated with using the system are achieved when employees feel experienced in using the systems, and when the clients are comfortable with it too.
Implementing systems as quickly as possible will help to reduce the strain of introducing a new form of care into the environment. In many cases, the client can be unmanageable due to mental and physical health challenges before the system could be implemented. This issue leads to a period of poor health and safety and damaged care for the client. Waiting too long before implementing the systems also means that it’s not always possible to reap benefits before the client’s situation gets worse.
Overall, there were 16 clients that participated in the evaluation that examined the common effects for users. The project found that using transfer systems has fantastic effects on the physical and mental well-being of the patient. Physically, the transfer system can help to reduce the amount of pain that the clients encountered during the moving and handling situations. No client was in pain during transfer with the system. However, more than half of residents said it was painful to be handled without the handling methods.
Additionally, the mechanical transfer system provides gentler care that’s kinder on the client’s skin, while also supporting the client’s body. Overall the experience feels much safer for the client, because the movement is smooth and it doesn’t rely on the care provider to maintain a tight grip. As the transfer is consistent and recognisable, it can also lead to better effects on people with dementia, allowing for fewer frustrations and staff conflicts.
Ultimately, the project showed that gentler transfers provided by the systems allowed for more positive effects on the client’s quality of life and mood. At the same time, the systems allowed the communication and interactions between the caregiver and the client to improve significantly. The two were able to speak more clearly during the transfer because the moving and handling experience was gentler and easier, conversation was simple too. The one-on-one communication also meant that the care provider could better instruct and support the client.
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